This girl is on fire!! That is the music that keeps going through my head while editing these photos of the first of my Class of 2021 seniors. I love everything about this session.....her style and clothing, paired with her gorgeous hair and amazing freckles, then topped off with a field of beautiful sunflowers at their peak of blooming made for some stunning photos!
We started her session in studio to capture those classic, classy senior photos. She is a dancer, so I was happy that she brought along her pointe shoes to include in some shots.

We then made our way to the lovely Brown Hill Farms for the outdoor portion of the session. If you have never been there, it is worth the trip! Their fields are a maze of big, beautiful, consistent sunflowers. Check out the bee on the flower in the first photo, he didn't want to leave, and is quite photogenic!

The light at the end of the session was just to die for! That glowy backlighting made her hair look even more amazing!

Thanks for stopping by! If you'd like more information on my senior sessions, I have some information on my senior page here. Feel free to reach out to me at to schedule your session!